Saturday, December 27, 2008

Manebhanjang bazaar

Manebhanjang bazaar (market) lined both sides of the main street running through it. Shops were rundown wooden planks painted green over again and again. Attire of young girls, coy smiles on their faces made up for lack of color on street. We went out for a casual stroll with a forewarning by SSB (Sashstra Seema Bal in hindi, Armed border-force deployed all alonh Indo nepal border to prevent cross border illegal trade and traffic) to watch out for Indo Nepal border markers. Here one doesn't know when one steps into Nepal inviting SSB's wrath. We were careful to watch out as warned but kids boys n girls darted across with least bit of bother. We soon ran into a big marker of Nepal border and decided to pose there, without infiltrating of course, standing on the politically correct side!

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