Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sun birds

Tiny sunbirds
in beak sqeak wing awkward, topple
over flower's levity
nectar smiles

Tiny sunbirds prick silence
fountains of sound

Tiny sunbirds
in flights unmetered
streak the sky
with suns alight

Tiny birds
amidst rumour of paradise lost, Sun

Tiny suns bird

Friday, February 22, 2008


Come a tear
it's arrival foretold
by quiver of lip I feel, Come

like a swollen river, easing
over the banks depositing
richness I live, Come

like a torrent, a crescendo preluded
by loom of clouds I see, Come

like a typhoon, a tornado galloping,
a thousand 'saurs beneath my ground I hear, Come

Come Tsunami bigger
than your richters meters miles
but show your face
gimme hunger horror death, come

like a bandit brandishing, look
straight and rob
straight, Don't come

like torpedo
snaking through water, Don't come

as capital which comes a christ
and departs a cross, Come

Come in any which way
gimme hunger horror death
but show your face, Come

like water.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

birds fly at night

Birds fly at night, blindfolded
wings gently row, darkness
has no perch then or now

sacred trees now scared
fabled wind scarred

peace is dove-corpse
gift wrapped, dream sandstorm
eden charred.

Birds fly at night